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2011苏北数学建模一等奖论文 attachment 五一数学建模联赛(苏北) seemlew 2011-9-3 31 14541 dfeeddssess 2017-6-10 11:47
拿省一等奖的童鞋进来啊~~~~~ 全国大学生数学建模竞赛(CUMCM) guangle123 2011-10-20 53 10451 雾柳 2012-11-13 21:31
全赛题目 attachment 图论算法 zhangzxtc 2011-10-20 2 4915 yubingpjk 2011-11-16 19:06
2010数模一等奖给的资料---LINGO教程 attachment LINDO\LINGO论坛 576905077 2011-10-23 31 8398 1208王朝阳 2015-12-22 09:14
国赛终于国家一等奖结尾。。。。。。 全国大学生数学建模竞赛(CUMCM) wh97341375 2011-10-31 58 19330 wh97341375 2020-11-17 20:36
一等奖:基于空间统计模型的热带气旋灾害模拟及其风险评估 - [!price! 2 点体力] attachment 第二届全国大学生统计建模大赛获奖论文 zhanfei 2011-11-12 47 10484 homraer 2020-4-2 15:24
一等奖:不良产品返回数预测统计模型 - [!price! 2 点体力] attachment 第二届全国大学生统计建模大赛获奖论文 zhanfei 2011-11-12 45 10855 lu. 2020-7-14 07:38
一等奖:上海与伦敦黄金市场价格相互波动传导演变的实证研究 - [!price! 2 点体力] attachment 第二届全国大学生统计建模大赛获奖论文 zhanfei 2011-11-12 37 10820 wuzhenhua 2014-2-18 08:40
一等奖:专利多是否意味着科技创新水平高? - [!price! 2 点体力] attachment 第二届全国大学生统计建模大赛获奖论文 zhanfei 2011-11-12 40 8656 ice说者无心 2023-4-9 21:02
一等奖:我国股指期货上市对股票现货市场波动性影响的实证分析 - [!price! 2 点体力] attachment 第二届全国大学生统计建模大赛获奖论文 zhanfei 2011-11-12 33 8080 921211770 2017-12-14 12:08
2011全国大学生数学建模竞赛C题 一等奖 attachment 往届竞赛参考文献 大赌王 2011-11-19 56 8587 gouruoying 2013-9-20 15:07
历年的一等奖论文可以去哪里下载啊 全国大学生电工数模竞赛(EMCM) 微光破尘夏 2011-11-25 5 2543 Unrvalled_VX 2011-11-26 10:29
研究生国赛的获奖比例 全国研究生数学建模竞赛(GMCM) 书影……暗香 2011-11-25 11 16490 无名小卒 2014-3-18 20:55
我们组的2011年B题全国一等奖论文【为期末考试攒RP】 attachment 全国大学生数学建模竞赛(CUMCM) 太陽神NASH 2011-12-3 100 21550 2314779927 2018-8-6 16:07
【2011】B题!一等奖!!耶!!! 全国大学生电工数模竞赛(EMCM) LeoLoveOcean 2011-12-31 28 5701 园园园 2012-7-5 16:09
谁有2011年机电杯A题一等奖论文啊,分享下! 全国大学生电工数模竞赛(EMCM) chaoccqiang 2012-1-2 17 13842 1539611201 2020-4-2 00:18
获美赛一等奖的学长的经验交流,挺有用 attachment 美国大学生数学建模竞赛(MCM/ICM) SamitTech 2012-1-15 5 2176 (^o^)/~ 2012-7-3 21:21
美国大学生数学建模竞赛获奖比例 美国大学生数学建模竞赛(MCM/ICM) mm梦幻 2012-2-3 26 14581 小屁 2013-1-30 20:17
【放松一下】晒晒我们学校对美赛的奖励 美国大学生数学建模竞赛(MCM/ICM) Brambles.Q 2012-2-4 49 7201 qazokm 2013-1-18 14:44
2012美赛成绩公布时间说明 美国大学生数学建模竞赛(MCM/ICM) 厚积薄发 2012-2-14 69 29089 lj714432724 2013-4-7 22:59


分享 建模感悟
lc@ 2016-12-18 00:22
磨合 一.阅读优秀论文 1. 如何有效阅读一篇建模论文 2. 先阅读国赛的一等奖论文,学习其思路和表达方式 3. 在阅读美赛特等奖论文,并学习算法在论文中的使用方式,寻找文章亮点,进行综述 二.真题演练 1. 选择历届的美赛题目,利用周末尽量模拟比赛时间,完整地完成一篇论文 2. 找教练批改, 3. 在这个过程中培养利用时间能力和学习能力,从而定好比赛时的时间规划 4. 三人最好都有建模能力,必要时刻可以在讨论后分开建立各小题的模型 三.总结 1. 反思总结遇到的问题,重视在分工的过程中产生的问题,努力思考求解过程,建模写作可同步进行 2. 看所做题目的获奖论文,尽量解决做题过程中遇到的所有疑惑 3. 选题和审题,尽快将选题定下,根据所积累的知识理解好题目再进行文献查找,三人分头行动
0 个评论
分享 一等奖
hccz95 2015-4-9 19:45
112 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 一位2014国赛一等奖获得者的感言
jagger 2014-10-9 20:46
2014年的国赛拿了国家一等奖,回顾一年时间的准备,还真是收获不少,大大小小的建模比赛获奖4次,还都是一等奖。其实,这都无所谓,主要是学到了多少东西。一是MATLAB科学计算,MATLAB专业书籍看了不少于5本,simulink也看了一两本,以及智能算法方面的书,几乎市面上比较流行的MATLAB书籍都或多或少浏览了。二是office应用,excel界面应用学了不少,VBA也接触了一点,虽然不深,但也算是给以后学习埋下伏笔,word排版更是比进步很多。三是专业指引,以前我对自己的专业一点也不了解(我的专业是金融),自从接触建模以来,使得我对自己的专业有了全新的认识,也对自己的专业更加有信心。以前不愿意学习数学,现在从心底看重数学,以前不知道英语有什么用,现在意识到了英语的重要性。 马上准备考研了,建模就要告一段落了。如果要我对学弟学妹们谈一谈如何备战的话,就是抓住MATLAB,多看论文,多看算法。
237 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 当我谈数学建模时我谈些什么——美赛一等奖经验总结
PER. 2014-2-12 14:20
前言: 2012 年 3 月 28 号晚,我知道了美赛成绩,一等奖( Meritorus Winner ),没有 太多的喜悦,只是感觉释怀,一年以来的努力总算有了回报。从国赛遗憾丢掉国奖,到美 赛一等,这一路走来太多的不易,感谢我的家人、队 友以及朋友的支持,没有你们,我无 以为继。 这篇文章在美赛结束后就已经写好了,算是对自己建模心得体会的一个总结。现在成绩尘 埃落定,我也有足够的自信把它贴出来,希望能够帮到各位对数模感兴趣的同学。欢迎大 家批评指正,欢迎与我交流,这样我们才都能进步。 个人背景:我 2010 年入学,所在的学校是广东省一所普通大学,今年大二,学工商管理 专业,没学过编程。 学 校组织参加过几届美赛,之前唯一的一个一等奖是三年前拿到的,那一队的主力师兄凭 借这一奖项去了北卡罗来纳大学教堂山分校,学运筹学。今年再次拿到一等 奖,我创了两 个校记录:一是第一个在大二拿到数模美赛一等奖,二是第一个在文科专业拿数模美赛一 等奖。我的数模历程如下: 2011.4 校内赛 三等奖 2011.8 通过选拔参加暑期国赛培训(学校之前不允许大一学生参加) 2011.9 国赛 广东省二等奖 2011.11 电工杯 三等奖 2012.2 美赛 一等奖( Meritorious Winner ) 动机:我 参加数学建模的动机比较单纯,完全是出于兴趣。我的专业是工商管理,没有学 过编程,觉得没必要学。我所感兴趣的是模型本身,它的思想,它的内涵,它的发展 过 程、它的适用问题等等。我希望通过学习模型,能够更好的去理解一些现象,了解其中蕴 含的数学机理。数学模型中包含着一种简洁的哲学,深刻而迷人。 当然获得荣誉方面的动机可定也有,谁不想拿奖呢? 模型:数学模型的功能大致有三种: 评价、优化、预测 。几乎所有模型都是围绕这三种功 能来做的。比如,今年美赛 A 题树叶分类属于评价模型, B 题漂流露营安排则属于优化模 型。 对于不同功能的模型有不同的方法,例如评价模型方法有层次分析、模糊综合评价、熵值 法等;优化模型方法有启发式算法(模拟退火、遗传算法等)、仿真方法(蒙 特卡洛、元 胞自动机等);预测模型方法有灰色预测、神经网络、马尔科夫链等。在数学中国网站上有 许多关于这些方法的相关介绍与文献。 关于模型软件与书籍,这方面的文章很多,这里只做简单介绍。关于软件这三款已经足 够: Matlab 、 SPSS 、 Lingo ,学好一个即可(我只会用 SPSS ,另外两个队友会)。书籍 方面,推荐三本,一本入门,一本进级,一本参考,这三本足够: 《数学模型》 姜启源 谢金星 叶俊 高等教育出版社 《数学建模方法与分析》 Mark M. Meerschaert 机械工业出版社 《数学建模算法与程序》 司守奎 国防工业出版社 入 门的 《数学模型》 看一遍即可,对数学模型有一个初步的认识与把握,国赛前看完这本 再练习几篇文章就差不多了。另外,关于入门, 韩中庚的《数学建模方法及其应用》 也是 不错的,两本书选一本阅读即可。如果参加美赛的话,进级的 《数学建模方法与分析》 要仔细研究,这本书写的非常好,可以算是所有数模书籍中最好的了,没有之一,建议大家 去买一本。这本书中开篇指出的最优化模型五步方法非常不错,后面的方法介绍的动态模 型与概率模型也非常到位。参考书目 《数学建模算法与程序》 详细的介绍了多种建模方 法,适合用来理解模型思想,参考自学。 分工:数模团队三个人,一般是分别负责建模、编程、写作。当然编程的可以建模,建模 的也可以写作。这个要视具体情况来定,但这三样必须要有人擅长,这样才能保证团队最 大发挥出潜能。 这三个人中负责建模的人是核心,因为建模的人决定了整篇论文的思路与结构,尤其是模 型的选择直接关系到了论文的结果与质量。这次美赛,我们选的是 A 题,我负责建模与部 分的写作。模型的选择与论文的结构是按照我的思路来做的,现在看来还是比较成功的。对 于建模的人,首先要去大量的阅读文献,要见识尽可能多的模型,这样拿到一道题就能 迅速反应到是哪一方面的模型,确定题目的整体思路。其次是接口的制作,这 是体现建模 人水平的地方。所谓接口的制作就是把死的方法应用到具体问题上的过程,即用怎样的表 达完成程序设计来实现模型。比如说遗传算法的方法步骤大家都 知道,但是应用到具体问 题上,编码、交换、变异等等怎么去做就是接口的制作。往往对于一道题目大家都能想到 某种方法,可就是做不出来,这其实是因为接口不 对导致的。做接口的技巧只能从不断地 实践中习得,所以说建模的人任重道远。 另 外,在平时训练时,团队讨论可以激烈一些,甚至可以吵架,但比赛时,一定要保持心 平气和,不必激烈争论,大家各让 3 分,用最平和的方法讨论问题,往往能取 得效果并 且不耽误时间。经常有队伍在比赛期间发生不愉快,导致最后的失败,这是不应该发生 的,毕竟大家为了一个共同的目标而奋斗,这种经历是很难得的。所 以一定要协调好队员们之间的关系,这样才能保证正常发挥,顺利进行比赛。 美赛特点:一 般人都认为美赛比国赛要难,这种难在思维上,美赛题目往往很新颖,一时 间想不出用什么模型来解。这些题目发散性很强,需要查找大量文献来确定题目的真正意 图,美赛更为注重思想对结果的要求却不是很严格,如果你能做出一个很优秀的模型,也 许结果并不理想也可能获得高奖。另外,美赛还难在它的实现,很多东西想 到了,但实现 起来非常困难,这需要较高的编程水平。 除了以上的差异,在实践过程中,美赛和国赛最大的区别有三点: 第 一点区别当然是美赛要用英文写作,而且要阅读很多英文文献。对于文献阅读,可以安 装有道词典,开启截屏取词功能,这样基本上阅读英文文献就没什么障碍了。 对于写作, 有的组是写好中文再翻译,有的是直接写英文,这两种方式都可行。对于翻译一定至少要 留出 8 小时来,摘要可能就要修改 1 小时。如果想快点翻,可以 直接使用有道词典,翻 出来后再修改,虽然可能不地道,但至少比较准确,这样可大量节省翻译时间。另外 word 要打开纠错功能,绿线代表拼写错误,红线代表 语法错误,完成论文后整体浏览时 要多注意这两种线,很可能会发现疏漏之处。我一直认为翻译不是美赛的重点,只要能把 意思表达清楚就行了,不必在翻译上浪费 太多时间。 第二点区别是美赛大量的用到了启发式算法,如遗传算法、模拟退火、粒子群等等。如果 说你在国赛时还认为这些算法遥不可及,那么到了美赛你就必须掌握它了。其 实我认为对 于搞编程实现的队员只要弄懂一种启发式算法就好,因为启发式算法是用来解决优化问题 (多数为 NP 问题)的,不同算法间有很大的相似性,所以只要 把一种学精了,这一类的 问题就都能解了。个人认为粒子群算法还是不错滴,遗传与模拟退火有些老套了,不过选 择什么还是由你个人的接受程度决定,甚至你也可 以自创算法。第三点区别是美赛论文的排版不少人会使用 Latex ,一款用代码编辑的排版软件,它多用 在对书籍和论文的排版上,效果美观但是操作很复杂,尤其是插入图片与 表格,不是一般 的麻烦。而且,学习这种软件必须是一次性全部学完不能间断(据说完整的学习时间大概 是几十个小时),只学某部分是没有用的。如果时间不够, 不建议去使用。其实除了目录 功能,生成的 PDF 文本使用 Word 排版几乎能实现与 Latex 一样的效果,所以我个人建 议用 Word 。 前期准备:关于参赛经验,小组成员最好都曾经参加过数学建模比赛,无论是国赛或是电 工杯或是挑战赛等等。个人认为美赛的难度比较大,如果是第一次参加,往往很难做出理 想结果,这样会打击到参加数模的积极性。所以不建议第一次搞数模竞赛就参加美赛。赛前要准备吃的东西,酌情而定。要准备一些红糖,以防身体不适。要注意尽量不要上 火,可以准备些水果。另外,我建议准备 3 瓶红牛,第二三四天各喝一瓶,确实能有保持 精力的功效。正常的饭还是要吃,可以叫外卖或者托人去买饭。总之这几天一定要吃好。关于书籍,没什么好说的,尽可能的借吧,虽然借了不一定有啥用,但是放在那里总归是 心里踏实。建议编程、模型、算法方面的书都借一些,另外最好也去借些数学工具书,方 便翻译。 另外还有就是要准备好查找文献的期刊网入口,无论是中文的知网、维普,还是英文的 SCI 、 Springer 等都要提前找到,一般学校的图书馆都会有,没有的话问其他学校同学借 图书馆账号,或是找代理,总之最后不要影响到比赛查找文献就行。 时间:美赛的时间是四天四夜,日期上是经过 5 天,比国赛多一天一夜。因为需要翻译, 所以美赛的时间同样很紧张,这就要求牺牲睡眠时间来完成比赛。一般来说,国赛期 间的睡眠时间不超过 10 小时,那么美赛期间的睡眠时间最好不要超过 15 小时(我是国赛 6 小时、美赛 10 小时)。这样能保证高质量完成论文,并且身体能承受 这样的负荷。现在 来讨论一下时间安排。 第一天上午出题目,几名队员可以分工合作在一小时内翻译出题目的含义,搜索一些关键 词,看看题目的资料与数据是否能找到,根据题目的具体情况来选择。一般来 说, MCM 会出一道离散模型题目、一道连续模型题目;而 ICM 题目是交叉学科的,涉及其他专业知 识。总之第一天的上午必须将题目定下来。接着第一天下午的 工作就是找资料,数据库、 资料搜索方面的知识这里就不详细叙述了,数学中国上都能找到。这一阶段的任务就是大 量积累资料,资料包括文献与数据。先不着急阅 读,把能下载的资料都下载下来,下载不 下来的保留网页。知道再也找不到相关的资料就可以停止搜索了,当然在做题过程中还需 要针对某些细节再次查找资料,这 里所说的停止搜索是指停止大范围集中式搜索。大概在 第一天的晚上开始阅读资料,这要进行到第二天上午,在这个过程中,要选择可以接受的 模型,想办法加以创 新改进。第一天晚上建议睡 5 小时左右,这样能保证之后的工作。第二天一天是阅读资料理清思路并建立模型框架的过程。第二天晚上之前论文的总体思路 要确定下来,就是针对题目中的某个问题选择什么方法,主体模型是什么,创 新点在哪都 要清楚,而细节问题暂时先不考虑,总之论文思路与模型的总框架要在第二天晚上之前全 部搞清楚。如果没有理清论文思路建议不要睡觉,知道理清楚为 止,第二天晚上建议睡眠 4 小时左右。 第三天,必须开始写作与实现模型。其实第二天就可以写一些关于问题介绍、前人研究历 程等的内容。到了第三天就必须动笔了,可以先简略写中文,之后再详细翻译 成英文,也 可以直接写成英文。根据模型所编的程序一定要这一天内跑出结果来,可以根据所得结果 来改进模型,争取得到较优的结果。当然数据的处理也一定要在 这一天完成。第三天是对模型的修正与完善,主要是对细节的把握以及模型结果的处理。建议得到比较合适的结果 时再休息,第三天晚上建议睡眠 3 小时左右。 第四天,写作与翻译。根据前面的思路与得到的结果进行写作与翻译工作。写作要力求表 达清晰准确。另外还有一个工作是为模型配图与表,图片能够生动的表达模型 含义,表格 可能是模型结果得到的数据,图与表要按照要求写标题与注释,要大小合适、美观。第四 天晚上要完成主体部分的写作,这时开始写摘要,先由一个同学 写成中文,然后三个人讨 论修改,可以请指导老师提供意见,中文定稿后再翻译,译好后再修改给指导老师检查, 最终定稿,这一大概需要 5 小时左右的时间,在这 期间另两位同学完成诸如参考文献、 优缺点之类内容的写作,在第五天的凌晨完成全文。第四天晚上建议熬夜,如果需要休息 建议睡眠 3 小时以内。 第五天清晨,检查通读全文至少 3 次至无语言错误。编辑目录、页眉等格式内容,待一切 就绪后,转换 pdf 文档,看有无差错,有差错再调整,无差错就可以将最终 论文发到举 办方邮箱了。确认邮寄成功后,按照要求打印论文,黑白彩色均可。之后,收拾规整物 品,休息,建议睡眠 10 小时以上。最后,按要求寄送邮件,等待 成绩。大概四月前会出 成绩初稿,五月前出正式成绩与证书。 文献与图表:我 一直认为 “ 文献为王 ” 。阅读文献的数量很大程度上决定了你论文的质 量。因为看过的文献越多,知道的方法越多,可选择的范围越广,建立的模型越符合实 际。关 于文献搜索,三个人要分工,即根据题目中可能涉及到的知识,分头寻找。一般先 找中文资料,在知网、维普、万方等数据库上进行搜索。我的建议是把一个数据库 上关于 这方面资料 10 年的所有相关论文都下载下来,然后用浏览的方式看完,有了一定的了解 后选择其中适合的方法加以改进创新,完成模型的建立。其实很多中 文文献都是借鉴英文文献而来的,读中文资料相当于读英文资料的概要。阅读完中文文献后可以开始搜索英文 文献,根据题目中的关键词进行搜索,可能搜索结果并 不理想,这时候将关键词换为其近 义词进行再次搜索,多次尝试后可能会得到比较满意的结果。另外就是按照参考文献历程 搜索,每篇文献后面都列有相关的参考文 献,可以通过寻找这些文献来理解研究历程,很 可能就有新的发现。查找到文献后,要注意整理与归类,方便寻找与最后的记录。我在国 赛时找到的文献资料加起来 有 82M ,美赛时 168M ,从一个侧面反映出美赛的难度是相 当大的。 关于图表,这是为论文增色的部分。看之前的美赛特等奖论文,普遍图表都做得很漂亮, 或者说很专业。好的图表能够清楚的反映模型的思路与结果,令人一目了然。 图的制作当 然要用一些软件, PS 做一些图形处理、 Visio 画流程图、几何画板解决简单几何图形制 作、 Matlab 制作三维效果图等等,方法多种,资料也很多。表的制作模仿之前特等论文 即可,边框怎么设置,字体大小等等,很容易掌握。另外,图表的排版也需要注意,如何 编排图表的位置才能既美观又能清楚,这需要不断观察与实践。总之,关于图表,尽量模 仿特等奖范文去做,会为你的论文增色不少。 最后的话:有一句话叫做 “ 一次数模,终身受益 ” ,确实是这样的。抛开获得的荣誉不 说,通过数模所学到的东西也让人受益匪浅。最重要的是,它使你明白原来自己有这样的 能力去完成一个曾经认为不可能完成的任务。这段经历将激励你勇敢地面对生活中的种种 挑战,不退缩、不畏惧。乔布斯说: “ 过程是最好的奖励。 ” 数模就是这样的,尽管十分 辛苦,但是坚持下来了,这个过程就是最好的奖励。 最后祝所有在数模路上奋斗的朋友都取得好成绩!
419 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 2010年美国大学生数学建模竞赛一等奖
背水一战 2014-1-16 11:00
Team #26031 Page 1 of 26 Summary Faced with serial crimes, we usually estimate the possible location of next crime by narrowing search area. We build three models to determine the geographical profile of a suspected serial criminal based on the locations of the existing crimes. Model One assumes that the crime site only depends on the average distance between the anchor point and the crime site. To ground this model in reality, we incorporate the geographic features G, the decay function D and a normalization factor N. Then we can get the geographical profile by calculating the probability density. Model Two is Based on the assumption that the choice of crime site depends on ten factors which is specifically described in Table 5 in this paper. By using analytic hierarchy process (AHP) to generate the geographical profile. Take into account these two geographical profiles and the two most likely future crime sites. By using mathematical dynamic programming method, we further estimate the possible location of next crime to narrow the search area. To demonstrate how our model works, we apply it to Peter's case and make a prediction about some uncertainties which will affect the sensitivity of the program. Both Model One and Model Two have their own strengths and weaknesses. The former is quite rigorous while it lacks considerations of practical factors. The latter takes these into account while it is too subjective in application. Combined these two models with further analysis and actual conditions, our last method has both good precision and operability. We show that this strategy is not optimal but can be improved by finding out more links between Model One and Model Two to get a more comprehensive result with smaller deviation. Key words: expected utility geographic profiling, the probability density, anchor point, Team # 6539 Page 2 of 26 Executive Summary Nowadays, in a serial crime, the spatial distribution of crime sites is arousing the more and more attention of the criminologists and the geographers. The Serial criminals, in a spirit of defiance, have endangered public security, gravely infringed on the citizens' personal safety, lives and property, and are abhorred by the people across the country. Since the offenders usually have no stable residence, it is very difficult for the police to find out and arrest them. Therefore, in order to help the police solve the crime as soon as possible to maintain social security and stability, a more sophisticated technique is in urgent need to be developed to determine the “geographical profile” of a suspected serial criminal based on the locations of the crimes. This paper presents three methods, especially a new mathematical method combining the advantages of the two previous models, which can generate a useful prediction for law enforcement officers about possible locations of the next crime. Based on Bayesian statistical methods, Model One makes explicit connections between assumptions on offender behavior and the components of the mathematical model. It also takes into account local geographic features that either influence the selection of a crime site or influence the selection of an offender’s anchor point. What’s more, with rigorous inference formulas, this model has both precision and operability. Model Two uses analytic hierarchy process (AHP). It takes full account of a variety of factors relevant to the crime sites, assisting the police to take measures adapted to local conditions so as to improve our work. The last method is composed from Model One and Model Two. Taken the expected utility and other practical factors into consideration, it further estimate the geographic profile generated by the previous two models. To conclude, we suggest the policemen put this mathematical method about geographical profiling into practice for it will be of significant assistance to law enforcement. The technical details are as follows: First of all, enhance the consciousness of the public social security and its improvement in the potential criminal area and inform the local people that a series of crimes have occurred recently, reminding them to keep vigilant and not to go into remote areas alone. Second, the police departments should focus their activities, geographically prioritize suspects, and concentrate saturation or directed patrolling efforts in those zones where the criminal predator is most likely to be active. Third, after arresting the criminal, the police need to make experiential analysis on all these kinds of serial crimes to prevent a similar case. What’s more, the police departments set up an enhanced intelligence exchange network, especially in the area which is the next crime site according to our prediction. Finally, search the suspect in the predicted criminal location or the likely Team # 6539 Page 3 of 26 residence of the offender. Generally speaking, our method has good maneuverability and practicability. However, there are various uncertain factors in the situation which cannot be predicted such as the weather condition and the traffic conditions. Additionally, the determination and analysis of weight-coefficients on the various factors is very subjective. As a result, the actual site scene of next crime may be outside of our geographical profiling. Therefore, the police deployments must be based on the analysis of local actual condition instead of applying our model blindly. Furthermore, our prerequisite that the offender has the only one stable anchor point differs from the actual conditions. Since the offender is very likely to change his residence, the police had better search the suspect according to the latest information. Maintaining social stability and ensuring the safety of residents will bring well- being and peace to all mankind. Every one of us should make effort to make our society become better. Hope that this paper will be of some help to prevent the criminal behaviors. Team # 6539 Page 4 of 26 1. Introduction Clues derived from the locations connected to violent repeat criminal offenders, such as serial murderers, arsonists, and rapists, can be of significant assistance to law enforcement. Such information helps police departments to focus their activities, geographically prioritize suspects, and to concentrate directed patrolling efforts in those zones where the criminal offender is most likely to be active. By examining spatial data connected to a series of crime sites, this methodological model generates a probability map that indicates the area most likely to be the locations of the next crime. This paper presents two mathematical models to illustrate how geographical analysis of serial crime conducted within a geographic information system can assist crime investigation. Techniques are illustrated for determining the possible residence of offenders and for predicting the location of the next crime based on the time and locations of the existing crimes. First, we present a mathematical survey of some of the algorithms that have been used to solve the geographic profiling problem. The geographic profiling problem is the problem of constructing an estimate for the location of the anchor point of a serial offender from the locations of the offender’s crime sites. The approach that we develop will make use of at these two different schemes to generate a geographical profile. What’s more, we develop a third technique to combine the results of the two previous schemes and generate a useful prediction for law enforcement officers. The prediction provides some kind of estimate or guidance about possible locations of the next crime based on the time and locations of the past crime scenes. Our method will also provide some kind of estimate about how reliable the estimate will be in a given situation, including appropriate warnings. The executive summary will provide a broad overview of the potential issues. It will also provide an overview of our approach and describe situations when it is an appropriate tool and situations in which it is not an appropriate tool. The purpose is to apply geographical analysis to serial crime investigations to predict the location of future targets and determine offender residence. 1.1 Restatement of the Problem1.1 In order to indicate the origin of geographical profiling problems, the following background is worth mentioning. In 1981 Peter Sutcliffe was convicted of thirteen murders and subjecting a number of other people to vicious attacks. One of the methods used to narrow the search for Mr. Sutcliffe was to find a “center of mass” of the locations of the attacks. In the end, the suspect happened to live in the same town predicted by this technique. Since that time, a number of more sophisticated techniques have been developed to determine the “geographical profile” of a suspected serial criminal based on the locations of the crimes. Our team has been asked by a local police agency to develop a method to aid in Team # 6539 Page 5 of 26 their investigations of serial criminals. The approach that we develop will make use of at least two different schemes to generate a geographical profile. We also develop a technique to combine the results of the different schemes and generate a useful prediction for law enforcement officers. The prediction will provide some kind of estimate or guidance about possible locations of the next crime based on the time and locations of the past crime scenes. Our method will also provide some kind of estimate about how reliable the estimate will be in a given situation, including appropriate warnings. 1.2 Survey of Previous Research1.2 Existing Methods To understand how we might proceed let us begin by adopting some common notation: ● A point x will have two components x = ( x 1 , x 2 , ) . These can be latitude and longitude ● These can be the distances from a pair of reference axes ● ● The series consists of n crimes at the locations x 1 , x 2 , … , x n . The offender’s anchor point will be denoted by z . Distance between the points x and y will be d ( x , y ) . Existing algorithms begin by first making a choice of distance metric d ; they ● ● then select a decay function f and construct a hit score function S ( y ) by computing S ( y ) = ∑ f ( d ( x i , y )) = f ( d ( x 1 , y )) + … + f ( d ( x n , y )) i = 1 n Regions with a high hit score are considered to be more likely to contain the offender’s anchor point than regions with a low hit score. In practice, the hit score S ( y ) is not evaluated everywhere, but simply on some rectangular array of points y jk = ( y 1 j , y k 2 ) for j ∈ { 1, 2, … , J } and k ∈ { 1, 2, … , K } giving us the array of values S jk = S ( y jk ) . Rossmo’s method, as described in (Rossmo, 2000, Chapter10) chooses the Manhattan distance function for d and the decay function Team # 6539 Page 6 of 26 ⎧ k ⎪ d h ⎪ f ( d ) = ⎨ kB g − h ⎪ ⎪ (2 B − d ) g ⎩ if d B if d ≥ B Other Studies In the study of Crime Analyst’s task, Bryan Hill considers that the use of the “probability grid method” (PGM) can narrow the search as it pertains to tactical crime analysis in the ArcView Geographic Information Systems (GIS) environment. The main point of his theory will be that any current statistical method of predicting the next hit location in a crime series is operationally ineffectual when the suspect covers a large geographic area. When the analyst combines several statistical methods and intuitive, logical thought processes into a combined “grid” score, the analysis product can be made more operationally effective. This new grid surface allows the analyst to make a better prediction of the next hit in a crime series and is useful in isolating specific target locations for law enforcement deployment efforts. This easy to apply “PGM method” allows the analyst to use sound statistical methods, as well as their experience and knowledge of a crime series to narrow the focus and potential hit area. In addition, when the crime series has sufficient suspect information, journey to crime analysis using the CrimeStat software can be used to provide investigators with a list of probable offenders from law enforcement records available to the analyst . 2. Model Overview 1 、 Model OneModel In Model One, we assume that the crime sites depend on the distance between the anchor point and the crime site. Generate a hot zone model according to probability formula, then combine the geographic features G with the decay function D and add a normalization factor N into the model .At last, we can get the “geographical profile”. Model2 、 Model Two In Model Two, we take account of other factors relevant to crime site location, we have studied various literature to summary two aspects denoted by U( Utility from crimes) and P(the probability of success) specifically including the following ten factors: the responding speed of the police, public security situation, resistances’ diathesis, density of registered inhabitants, the advantageous position, the number of offenses, the distance from the anchor point of the offender, the time required for committing the crime, number of target persons, offender’s mental satisfaction from the crime. Then, we use Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) to get weighted factors. Finally, according to the formula we can draw E of some areas. A wide range of criminal area Team # 6539 Page 7 of 26 can then be divided into several small areas. Then, we give the proper scores for each small area according to the actual condition. When the area is small enough, we can get the geographical profile. Sites with higher scores have high probability to be crime areas. The3 、 The two models can be synthesized as one method For their different emphasis (The theory of Model One is quite rigorous, but it ignores the factors such as the geographic features and criminal motivation while these factors is important for selecting criminal crime sites. On the other hand, Model Two takes these into account, while it is too subjective in practical application which may easily cause the deviation), the geographical profiles we get from two models must be different. By using mathematical dynamic programming method to establish the model, this method explains the common rules of the offender’s choice on the crime sites. Therefore, when we get several geographical profiles from the previous two models, we can use this method to predict the next offence site. To sum up , we can generate the geographical profile in the investigations of serial criminals, providing some kind of estimate or guidance about possible locations of the next crime and narrow the search. 3. Model One Symbols: symbols P ( x) x z a D G N meaning probability density function the crime sites the location of the offender’s anchor point The average distance that the offender is willing to travel to offend. the effect of distance decay the geographic features a normalization factor Hypothesis : 1 、 We assume that our offender chooses potential locations to commit crimes randomly according to some unknown probability density function P . 2 、 We assume that P depends upon z and a. 3 、 We suppose that that the values of the anchor point z and average offense distance a are unknown, but the form of the distribution P is known. 4 、 The offender has only one residence which is unchanged. Team # 6539 Page 8 of 26 3.1 A Mathematical Approach In order to looking for an appropriate model, we start with the simplest possible situation. Since we know nothing about the offender, we assume that our offender chooses potential locations to commit crimes randomly according to some unknown probability density function P . For any geographic region R , the probability that our offender will choose a crime location in R can be found by adding up the values of P in R , giving us the probability ∫∫ R P (x) d ( x ) 1 d ( x ) 2 Upon what sorts of variables should the probability density P ( x ) depend? The fundamental assumption of geographic profiling is that the choice of an offender’s target locations is influenced by the location of the offender’s anchor point z. Therefore, we first assume that P depends upon z. (Provided that the offender has a single anchor point and that it is stable during the crime series.) A second important factor is the distance the offender is willing to travel to commit a crime from their anchor point.(Different offender’s have different levels of mobility- an offender will need to travel farther to commit some types of crimes than others ) Let a denote the average distance that the offender is willing to travel to offend. So a varies between offenders and crime types . Let us suppose that that the values of the anchor point z and average offense distance a are unknown, but the form of the distribution P is known. Then the problem can be stated mathematically as: Given a sample x 1 , … , x n (the crime sites) from the distribution P ( x z , a ) with parameters z and a to determine the best way to estimate the parameter z (the anchor point). One approach of this mathematical problem is the theory of maximum likelihood. First, construct the likelihood function : n L (y, a ) = ∏ P ( x i y , a ) = P ( x 1 y , a ) … P ( x n y , a ) i = 1 In order to get the best choice of z, make the likelihood as large as possible by maximizing the log-likelihood: λ (y, a ) = ∑ lnP ( x i y , a ) = l n P ( x 1 y , a ) + … + l n P ( x n y , a ) i = 1 n This approach is rigorous; however, it is unsuitable as simple point estimates for the offender’s anchor point are not operationally useful. Therefore, we continue our analysis by using Bayes Theorem . Bayes Theorem then implies: Team # 6539 Page 9 of 26 P (z, a x ) = P (z, a x ) π ( z , a ) p ( x ) ( 1 ) Here π ( z , a ) is the prior distribution. It represents our knowledge of the probability density for the anchor point z and the average offense distance a before we incorporate information about the crime. If we assume that the choice of anchor point is independent of the average offense distance, we can write: π ( z , a ) = H ( z ) π ( a ) (2) H ( z ) is the prior distribution of anchor points, and π ( a ) is the prior distribution of average offense distances. We will assume that the offender’s choices of crime sites are mutually independent, so that P ( x 1 , … , x n z , a ) = P ( x 1 z , a ) … P ( x n z , a ) Suppose that an unknown offender has committed crimes at x 1 , … , x n , and that (3) The offender has a unique stable anchor point z. The offender chooses targets to offend according to the probability density P ( x z , a ) where a is the average distance the offender is willing to travel. The target locations in the series are chosen independently. The prior distribution of anchor points is H ( z ) , the prior distribution of the average offense distance is π ( a ) and these are independent of one another. Then the probability density that the offender has anchor point at the location z satisfies P ( z x 1 , … , x n ) ∝ ∫ P x 1 z , a ) P x n z , a ) H ( z ) π ( a ) da ( … ( (4) 3.2 Simple Models for Offender Behavior What’s more, we need to be able to construct reasonable choices for our model of offender behavior, if our fundamental mathematical result is to have any practical or investigative value. One simple model is to assume that the offender chooses a target location based only on the Euclidean distance from the offender’s anchor point to the offense location and that this distribution is normal. In this case we obtain Team # 6539 Page 10 of 26 P( x z ,a ) = 1 ⎛ π ⎞ exp ⎜ − 2 ( x − z ) 2 ⎟ 4 a 2 ⎝ 4 a ⎠ (5) If we make the prior assumptions that the average offense distance and the anchor point are unchanged, and the offender commits n crimes at the crime site locations x 1 , … , x n , then 1 ⎛ π P( z x 1 , … , x n ) =( 2 ) n exp ⎜ − 2 4 a ⎝ 4 a n ∑ i = 1 ⎞ ( x i − z ) 2 ⎟ ⎠ We see that the anchor point probability distribution is just a product of normal distributions; the maximum likelihood estimate for the anchor point is simply the mean center of the crime site locations. We also mention that in this model of offender behavior, this is also the mode of the posterior anchor point probability distribution . Another reasonable model for offender behavior is to assume that the offender still chooses a target location based only on the Euclidean distance from the offense location to the offender’s anchor point, but now the distribution is a negative exponential so that P( x z,a ) = 2 ⎛ 2 ⎞ exp ⎜ − x − z ⎟ π a 2 ⎝ a ⎠ (6) Once again, because of our prior assumptions that the average offense distance and the anchor point are unchanged, and the offender commits n crimes at the crime site locations x 1 , … , x n , then we have 2 n ⎛ 2 n ⎞ P( z x 1 , … , x n ) =( 2 ) exp ⎜ − ∑ x i − z ⎟ π a ⎝ a i = 1 ⎠ We see that this is just a product of negative exponentials centered at each crime site. Further, the corresponding maximum likelihood estimate for the offender’s anchor point is simply the center of minimum distance for the crime series locations . This preceding analysis was predicated on the prior assumptions that the average offense distance and it is known in advance. Similarly, the existing methods mentioned in this paper all rely on decay functions f with one or more parameters which also need to be determined in advance. Unlike those methods, our method does not require that we make a choice for the parameter in advance. 3.3 Realistic Models for Offender Behaviorffender What would a more realistic model for offender behavior look like? Consider a model in the form : P ( x z , a ) = D ( d ( x , z ), a ) G ( x ) N ( z ) (7) Team # 6539 Page 11 of 26 ▲ D models the effect of distance decay using the distance metric d(x, z) 1 、 We can specify a normal decay, so that D ( d , a ) = 1 ⎛ π ⎞ exp ⎜ − 2 d 2 ⎟ 4 a 2 ⎝ 4 a ⎠ 2 、 We can specify a negative exponential decay, so that D ( d , a ) = 2 ⎛ 2 ⎞ exp ⎜ − d ⎟ π a 2 ⎝ a ⎠ Any choice can be made for the distance metric (Euclidean, Manhattan, et.al) ▲ G models the geographic features that influence crime site selection High values for G(x) indicate that x is a likely target for typical offenders; Low values for G(x) indicate that x is a less likely target ▲ N is a normalization factor, required to ensure that P is a probability distribution N ( z ) = 1 ∫∫ D ( d ( y , z ), a ) G (y) d ( y ) d ( y ) 1 2 N is completely determined by the choices for D and G. G models the geographic features that influence crime site selection, with high values indicating the location was more likely to be targeted by an offender. Then, how can we calculate G? Use available geographic and demographic data and the correlations between crime rates and these variables that have already been published to construct an appropriate choice for G(x). Different crime types have different etiologies; in particular their relationship to the local geographic and demographic backcloth depends strongly on the particular type of crime. This would limit the method to only those crimes where this relationship has been well studied. Some crimes can only occur at certain, well-known locations, which are known to law enforcement For example, gas station robberies, ATM robberies, bank robberies; liquor store robberies .This does not apply to all crime types- e.g. street robberies, vehicle thefts. We can assume that historical crime patterns are good predictors of the likelihood that a particular location will be the site of a crime. Suppose that historical crimes have occurred at the locations c 1 , c 2 . . . c n . Choose a kernel density function K y λ )( λ is the bandwidth of the kernel density function. Figure 1 Team # 6539 Page 12 of 26 Calculate N G (x) = ∑ K (x- c i λ ) i = 1 (8) The bandwidth λ can be e.g. the mean nearest neighbor distance. We have assumed: Each offender has a unique, well-defined anchor point that is stable throughout the crime series The function H(z) represents our prior knowledge of the distribution of anchor points before we incorporate information about the crime series. Suppose that anchor points are residences- can we estimate H(z)? ●Population density information is available from the U.S. Census at the block level, sorted by age, sex, and race/ethnic group. 1 、 We can use available demographic information about the offender N blocks 2 、 Set H ( z ) = ∑ = p K ( z − q i i = 1 i A i ) 3 、 Here block i has population pi, center q i , and area A i . ●Distribution of residences of past offenders can be used. Calculate H ( z ) using the same techniques used to calculate G(x). 3.4 Future Offense Predictionffense Given a series of crimes at the locations x 1 , … , x n committed by a single serial offender, estimate the probability density P ( x next x 1 , … , x n ) , that X next will be the location of the next offense . The Bayesian approach to this problem is to calculate the posterior predictive distribution: P ( x next x 1 , … , x n ) = ∫∫∫ P ( x next z , a ) P ( z , a x 1 , … , x n ) d ( z ) 1 d ( z ) 2 d ( a ) We can use the method above to simplify, and so obtain the expression: P ( x next x 1 , … , x n ) ∝ ∫∫∫ P ( x next z , a ) P ( z , a x 1 , … , x n ) H ( z ) π ( a ) d ( z ) 1 d ( z ) 2 d ( a ) This approach makes the same independence assumptions about offender behavior as our fundamental result. Team # 6539 Page 13 of 26 4. Model Two Symbols: symbols w E r B1 , …r B10 m B1 ,…m B10 P U Meaning Weight Total score Each score Various factors The probability of success The utility from crimes Assumption : The selection for crime sites depends on ten factors that demonstrated in Table 5 in the paper. 4.1 Analysis of models The selection for crime sites depends on various factors instead of only one factor that the distance from the anchor point to the crime site. Therefore, Combine a large number of previous studies and related papers with our own thinking, we have summed up 10 key factors and a grading system about how to make the decisions on where the criminal locations will be (see Table 5), which are listed as follows: the responding speed of the police, public security situation, resistances’ diathesis, density of registered inhabitants, the advantageous position, the number of offenses, the distance from the anchor point of the offender, the time required for committing the crime, number of target persons, offender’s mental satisfaction from the crime. Classify these 10 index factors into two categories P and U, based on the actual situation. Let the former six factors belong to P and the latter four belong to U. Next, we use Analytic hierarchy process (AHP) to get weighted factors (Table 4). Then we give the proper scores for each small area according to the actual condition. (Table 5). (There are some data which is difficult for us to achieve but they may be easily achieved by the local police . ) Finally, we can work out the total score of E: E = w P 1 × r P 1 + … + w P 6 × r P 6 + w U 1 × r U 1 + … + w U 4 × r U 4 4.2 Use AHP to get the weighted factors Then we can get a comparison matrix as follows: The probability of success (P) is as important as the expected utility (U), so E PU = 1 , E UP =1 Team # 6539 Page 14 of 26 ⎡ 1 1 ⎤ E = ⎢⎥ ⎣ 1 1 ⎦ Ui and the judgment matrix of U : ⎡ 1 ⎢ 1 ⎢ ⎢ 7 U = ⎢ 1 ⎢ ⎢ 5 ⎢ 1 ⎢ ⎣ 2 7 1 3 7 5 1 3 1 5 2 ⎤ 1 ⎥ ⎥ 7 ⎥ 1 ⎥ ⎥ 5 ⎥ ⎥ 1 ⎥ ⎦ 5 4 1 2 1 6 5 4 2 1 7 1 6 1 1 3 6 ⎤ ⎥ 3 ⎥ ⎥ 1 ⎥ ⎥ 5 ⎥ 1 ⎥ ⎥ 5 ⎥ ⎥ 3 ⎥ ⎥ 1 ⎥ ⎥ ⎦ Pi and the judgment matrix of P: ⎡ 1 ⎢ 1 ⎢ ⎢ 3 ⎢ 1 ⎢ ⎢ 7 P = ⎢ 1 ⎢ ⎢ 5 ⎢ 1 ⎢ 4 ⎢ ⎢ 1 ⎢ 6 ⎣ 3 1 1 6 1 4 1 2 1 3 7 6 1 2 7 5 According to all levels of comparison matrix, let’s obtain its maximum of eigenvalue, coincidence indicator and the weight corresponding to all factors by using Matlab. The results are shown in the table below: comparisonMaximumcoincidencethe weight of evaluation indexes matrix w eigenvalue λ max indicator C I E λ λ max =2 0 U max =4.1341 0.0447 0.1127 P λ max = 6.5633 Table 1 The coincidence indicator can be computed by the formula Team # 6539 Page 15 of 26 C I = λ max − n n − 1 The results are shown in the form below. Find the average random coincidence indicator R I . The average random coincidence indicator (exponent number is within 15) is as follows: exponent 1 number 0 2 0 10 1.49 3 0.52 11 1.52 4 0.89 12 1.54 Table 2 Based on = C I , we can work out coincidence ratios: C R 5 1.12 13 1.56 6 1.26 14 1.58 7 1.36 15 1.59 8 1.41 R I exponent 9 number 1.46 R I R I C Rw C RU C RP 0 0.0502 Table 3 0.0894 C Rw 、 C RU 、 C RP are all less than 0.1 within the scope of consistency, which shows that the index factors we set meet the requirements, that is, they have some credibility within the error range. Combination weight for all levels. Calculate the weight of the index factors Ui, Pi. For example, w U 1 =0.4971 × 0.5000=0.24855 ( i=1, 2, …6) ,and In the same way, we can work out w Pi See Table 4: w Ui ( i=1, 2, …4). w w P 1 w w P 2 w w P 3 w w P 4 w P 5 w P 6 0.21595 U 1 0.10525 U 2 0.0149 U 3 0.0224 U 4 0.0899 0.05165 0.24855 0.02475 0.0508 Table 4 0.17595 Team # 6539 Page 16 of 26 4.3 Scoring system for factors The responding speed of the police ⎧ 1 ⎪ m ⎪ r P 1 = ⎨ 1 − P 1 ⎪ 10 ⎪ 0 ⎩ m P 1 = 0 m P 1 stands for the 0 m P 1 10 responding speed of the police. 10 represents very m P 1 = 10 fast, 6 represents fast,3 represents slow, 0 represents very slow. public security situation ⎧ 1 ⎪ m ⎪ r P 2 = ⎨ 1 − P 2 50 ⎪ ⎪ 0 ⎩ m P 2 ≥ 50 m P 2 stands for the region's 0 m P 2 50 monthly criminal records. If criminal record is 0, then the m P 2 = 0 public security situation is good; if Criminal record is larger than 50, then the public security situation is bad. Resistances’ diathesis The probability of success density of registered inhabitants ⎧ 1 ⎪ m ⎪ r P 3 = ⎨ 1 − P 3 10 ⎪ ⎪ 0 ⎩ ⎧ 1 ⎪ m ⎪ r P 4 = ⎨ P 4 ⎪ 10 ⎪ 0 ⎩ m P 3 = 0 m P 3 stands for resistances’ 0 m P 3 10 diathesis,10 stands for very good, 0 stands for very bad. m P 3 = 10 m P 4 = 10 0 m P 4 10 m P 4 stands for density of registered inhabitants.10 for the highest, 6 for the general, 3 for few people in that area and 0 for no one there. m P 4 = 0 the advantageo us position ⎧ 1 ⎪ m ⎪ r P 5 = ⎨ P 5 ⎪ 10 ⎪ 0 ⎩ ⎧ 1 ⎪ m ⎪ r P 6 = ⎨ P 6 ⎪ 3 ⎪ 0 ⎩ m P 5 = 10 0 m P 5 10 m P 5 stands for the extent of favorableness. 10 for the quite favorable, 6 for general, 3 for not going well, 0 for not executable. m P 5 = 0 The number of crimes m P 6 ≥ 3 0 m P 6 3 m P 6 stands for the number of crimes, greater than 3 times, for the very skilled and unskilled times for 0 m P 6 = 0 Team # 6539 Page 17 of 26 the distance from the anchor point of the offender ⎧ 1 ⎪ m ⎪ r u 1 = ⎨ u 1 ⎪ 10 ⎪ 0 ⎩ m u 1 = 10 0 m u 1 10 m u 1 stands for the distance from the anchor point of the offender. Advantageous distance for 10, disadvantageous distance for 0. m u 1 = 0 The time required for committing the crimes m u 2 stands for the time ⎧ 1 ⎪ m ⎪ r u 2 = ⎨ u 2 ⎪ 10 ⎪ 0 ⎩ ⎧ 1 ⎪ m ⎪ r u 3 = ⎨ u 3 ⎪ 10 ⎪ 0 ⎩ ⎧ 1 ⎪ m ⎪ r u 4 = ⎨ u 4 ⎪ 10 ⎪ 0 ⎩ m u 2 = 10 0 m u 2 10 m u 2 = 0 required for committing the crimes. Long time for 0, less longer time for 3, normal long for 6, short time for 8, very short time for 10 Utility from crimes Number of target persons m u 3 = 10 0 m u 3 10 m u 3 stands for the intensity of the target population. Very intensive for 10, intensive for 8, generally for 6, less- intensive 3, no goals for 0 m u 3 = 0 Offender’s mental satisfaction m u 4 = 10 0 m u 4 10 m u 4 stands for the offender’s mental satisfaction in that criminal location. Very satisfied for 10, satisfied for 8, general for 6, not very satisfied for 3,not satisfied at all for 0 m u 4 = 0 Table 5 4.4 Results We can get a wide range of criminal area and divide it into several small regions. Next, we give the proper scores for each small region according to the actual condition. Finally, using the formula E = w P 1 × r P 1 + … + w P 6 × r P 6 + w U 1 × r U 1 + … + w U 4 × r U 4 to calculate the E of each area. Sites with higher scores have high probability to be crime areas. The police should enhance the patrols in these areas, and people should strengthen the awareness of safety. Team # 6539 Page 18 of 26 5. The synthesized method Up until now, we have already given two different models to show the geographic profile of next possible crime site. But both these two models have advantages and disadvantages. Model One allows us to find possible locations of the next crime as well as the offender’s resistance based on only the time and locations of the past crime scenes, but it ignores some critical factors related to the crime, such as the geographical environment and the motive for the crime and other factors. Model Two takes 10 factors which affects the selection of crime sites into consideration and qualify them to work out the geographic profile, but it is too subjective and easily leads to deflection when put into practice. Because of their different emphases, the two models will not give the same geographical profile. Assume we work out n geographical profiles through Model One and m geographical profiles through Model Two. Apparently these geographical profiles will not be the same. Therefore, we come up with the following new method which can combine the two models together. Symbols: symbols U s I P ( x ) E meaning Total income the number of crimes income for the offender the probability of success for each crime expected utility Hypothesis : 1 、 we assume that the net income in of each crime occurred in the same region is unchanged, that is, for any i, j, 2 、 we assume in the same area, each time the probability of successfully committing a crime is also unchanged, i.e. P i 1 = P j 1 , P i 2 = P j 2 With the method of dynamic programming, two spatial variables, the expected utility and the probability of success for each offense, are used to model the criminal’s location choices. A criminal usually commits his first offence in the district which has the highest probability of success but a lowest expected utility. If an area has both higher expected utility and a higher probability of success, the criminal will commit all his offences in this place. The model also suggests that crime prevention measures should be adopted in the local conditions. “Covering” measures, such as patrolling, should be taken in the poor residential districts or delinquency districts, while more sophisticated and advanced measures should be introduced in the richer districts or the districts where career criminals haunt. Team # 6539 Page 19 of 26 5.1 The Foundation of Model First, let the utility function for a certain criminal be given: U = U 1 ( I 1 ) + U 2 ( I 2 ) + … + U S ( I S ) (8) In this function, s indicates the number of crimes; Ii (i=1,2,…s) indicates the net income for the ith time offender. Then, denote Pi as the probability of success for each crime (i.e., the probability of not being caught). If the criminal is caught when he commits the hth crime, he will lose I h . Then we can get the total net income I 1 + I 2 + … + I h − 1 Meanwhile, we get the expected utility when the cumulative number of crime reaches s. E = U 1 P (1 − P 2 ) + ( U 1 + U 2 ) P P 2 (1 − P ) + … + ( U 1 + U 2 + … + U s ) P P 2 … P s 1131 s h = 1 h i = 1 h = ∑ ( ∑ U i ) ∏ P i (1 − P h + 1 ) i = 1 (9) For here P s + 1 ≡ 0 so we can change Function (9) into E = U 1 ∑ ∏ P i (1 − P h + 1 ) + U 2 ∑ ∏ P (1 − P + 1 ) + … + U s ∏ P ihi h = 1 i = 1 h = 2 i = 1 i = 1 s h s h s (10) For: s h 1 − P + ∑∏ P i (1 − P h + 1 ) ≡ 1 1 h = 1 i = 1 So in Equation (10), the coefficient of U 1 can be abbreviated as P , and the 1 coefficient of U 2 can be simplified as P P 2 , the coefficient of U h can be simplified as 1 h ∏ P i i = 1 In this way, Equation (9) can be further abbreviated as: E = U 1 P + U 2 P P 2 + … + U s P P 2 … P s ≡ ∑ ( U h ) ∏ P i 111 h = 1 i = 1 s h (11) Now assume that there are two potential criminal regions in a city, which are labeled by superscripts l and 2. For the sake of simplicity, further assume that the net income in of each crime occurred in the same region is unchanged, that is, for any i, j, I i 1 = I j 1 , I i 2 = I j 2 Team # 6539 Page 20 of 26 But I 1 does not necessarily equal I 2 Meanwhile, assume in the same area, each time the probability of successfully committing a crime is also unchanged, i.e. P i 1 = P j 1 , P i 2 = P j 2 Therefore, if the offender intends to commit s crimes, he needs to make location choices for 2 s times. The following dynamic programming method reveals the optimal solution of the offender’s location choice of committing the crime. Here assume that during the planning period, the offender implement all his crimes. What’s more, he determines all the optimal locations one by one from the back to the front. The planning period can be any time that a crime will happen. Suppose the offender has already determined the locations of the crimes for the first s − 1 times and attempts to optimize the location of sth crime. Denote the expected utility for committing sth crime in district 1 and district 2 as E 1 = U 1 P 1 + U 1 P 1 P 2 + … + U s 1 P 1 P 2 … P s 1 E 1 = U 1 P 1 + U 2 P 1 P 2 + … + U s 2 P 1 P 2 … P s 2 (12) (13) The first s-1 terms on the right side in Equation (12) and (12) has no region label, because of the assumption of they are the same in the two equations mentioned above and the only difference exits in the sth term. Therefore, the difference between the expecting utilities of committing sth crime in district1 and district 2 is s − 1 ∆ E = E − E = ( U P − U P ) ∏ P i i = 1 1 2 1 s 1 2 s 2 (14) Equation (14) indicates that whatever the probability of success P or the probability of being caught (1-P) is, the offender will choose the place which has the highest expected profit to commit his last crime. When the utility function is monotone, and the offender does not care about his location of crime activity, the results mentioned above also suggest that the offender will commit sth crime in the location where the expected utility is highest . Generally, if the offender has already determined the crime locations of the first time, the second time, the (k-1)th time, the (k+1)th time, …the sth time, the expected utility of committing the kth crime in district1 and district2 are as follows: k − 1 1 h 1 k 1 k − 1 1 s i h h = k + 1 s 2 h i E = ∑ U h ∏ P i + U P h = 1 i = 1 h 2 k ∏ P + P ∑ U ∏ P i = 1 i = 1 i ≠ k k − 1 h h i (15) k − 1 2 E = ∑ U h ∏ P i + U P h = 1 i = 1 2 ∏ P + P ∑ U ∏ P i i = 1 h = k + 1 i = 1 i ≠ k (16) The difference between Equation (15) and Equation (16) is Team # 6539 Page 21 of 26 h − 1 1 2 1 k 1 2 k 2 1 2 s h = k + 1 h ∆ E = E − E = ( U P − U P ) ∏ P i + ( P − P ) ∑ U h ∏ P i i = 1 i = 1 i ≠ k (17) or sh ⎡ 12 ⎤ 22 E = ∏ P i ⎢ U k P − U k P + ( P − P 2 ) ∑ U h ∏ P i ⎥ 1 i = 1 h = k + 1 i = k + 1 ⎣⎦ k − 1 (17’) When k=s, we can change Equation (17’) into Equation (14). Here k is the offender’s last crime during his planning period. The offender will commit this crime in the district which has the highest expected utility. Similarly, k can be replaced by s − 1, s − 2, … ,1 . By repeating the calculation, we can track the criminal’s optimal locations of committing the crimes each time . Equation (17’) shows that there are several possible locations for the criminal to 1 select. When U k P 1 U k 2 P 2 , I 1 P 1 I 2 P 2 . If P 1 P 2 , the value of equation (17’) is positive, which means the region with the highest expected utility, is also the most secure region. In this case, region 1 is a perfect location of crime, so the offender will commit all the crimes in this region. For an offender who constantly changing places for committing crimes between the two regions, there is no ideal region with both high E and P. If U 1 P 1 U 2 P 2 or I 1 P 1 I 2 P 2 , then P 1 P 2 . It means that areas with the highest expected profit, is also the highest risk areas, the probability of being captured (l-P) reaches its maximum in the same time. From the Equation (17’) and (14) we can see, in this case, the last crime the offender planned will occur in region 1. When the offender reduces the number of crimes to s times or less, the coefficient ( ( P 1 − P 2 ) ) of the equation (l7’) will increase. The larger the coefficient is, the fewer the certain number of actually committed crimes will be as long as s is certain. Therefore, the fewer the number of actually committed crimes is, the greater the second term’s absolute value in the second square brackets in equation (17’) will be. Because of ( P 1 − P 2 ) 0 , this term should be negative. So probably there exists a number of crimes that makes the whole equation (17’) be negative. Then region 1 is not perfect for committing crimes, so the offender will change his criminal location to region 2. From then on, as the coefficient of equation (17’), i.e. ( P 1 − P 2 ) is increasing, the offender will choose Region 2 as criminal location instead of Region 1. In other word, If an offender is faced with this situation, in order to change his criminal places, the best option is to commit his initial crime in Region 2 at a lower expected return and a lower the probability of being arrested, and then go to commit the crimes in zone 1 where both the benefits and risks are higher. Team # 6539 Page 22 of 26 5.2 Choice of multi-regional areas We have already discussed the situation of making choices of criminal locations when there exist only two regions. However, it is very likely that there are many regions in one area. The distribution of their criminal scenes is very similar to the situation with the two regions. Now suppose there are n potential criminal locations and the offender has determined all these areas except the kth criminal location. The difference between expected utility of region c and region m for committing kth crime is as follows: k − 1 ∆ E = ∏ P 1 ( U kc P c − U km P m ) i = 1 (18) Therefore, the offender will commit the crime in the region which has the highest U k P . This result works out the same as the situation of two-region area . Equation (18) shows that if U kn P n U km P m , P n P m , Region c is better for the offender to commit crimes than region m in all respects, so the offender will exclude region m from its location decisions. Therefore, for ith crime (i is arbitrary), the criminal location is decided by the following sequences U i 1 P 1 U i 2 P 2 … U n P n (19) (20) P 1 P 2 … P n In our real life, these two kinds of arrangement rarely exist at the same time; it is only a theoretical solution. Regions in Sequence (19) and (20) are all criminal locations. If the offender commits crimes in all those regions to, then there are some offsets among the various regions. If an area is foolproof, then he will focus on here to implement all the criminal activities. In reality, criminals always tend to be concentrated in a few areas of crime. Therefore, suppose n is small, then there are large chances of Sequence (19) and (20). According to Sequence (19) and (20), the offender will commit the last crime in region n. Now let’s find out where the (k-1)th crime will be committed. First, the regions can be arranged according to the following ratio 1 U n P k − 1 − U k − 1 P 1 ≡ W 1 n P − P ( k = 1, 2, … , n ) (21) When (18) is negative, the offender will leave region n for another region which has the smallest value of W. W is the marginal expected return with the risk of committing the crime. The offender optimizes his criminal acts by selecting the area with smallest W value, such that the expected profit will reach its maximum. Other crime locations k − 2, k − 1, … ,1 can also be determined by the order of the ratio of W. Team # 6539 Page 23 of 26 The result turns out to be the same as the two-region situation. No matter the offender is faced up with the situation of a two-region area or a multi-region area; he will optimize his choices of the criminal locations and commit the serial crimes according to expected utility and the probability of success. 5.3 Solution and Result With the method of dynamic programming, two spatial variables, the expected utility and the probability of success for each offense, are used to model the criminal’s location choices.It shows a single offender’s criminal acts in two regions and various districts, and conversions throughout the various regions. The results showed that: If a region has both high expected utility and high probability of success, then the offender will concentrate in this region committing all the crimes and will never go to other areas. Once the two regions has different expected utility and probability of success, the offender will change his location of committing crimes. 6. Application In the case of Peter Sutcliffe, we use the Google Earth to find out the sites of 13 victims and 10 survivors. We also find out the anchor point. See Figure Figure 2 As we have seen, the offender’s anchor point is like the mean center of the crime site locations. Then, according to the Model One, we can get the geographic profile. See figure 3 : Team # 6539 Page 24 of 26 Figure 3 In Model Two, a wide range of criminal area can then be divided into several small areas. See figure 4 : Figure 4 Next , we give the proper score for each factor according to each area’s actual situation. It’s a pity that we don’t have detailed information, so we can’t give the score .However, we believe it’s easy for local police .Now we assume that we have got the geographical profile and n hot points. Then, we use our synthesized method to Team # 6539 Page 25 of 26 analyze the n+2 hot points to predict the next crime. The detail of steps: Find the crime sites x 1 , … , x n Find geographic profiles according to Model One Find all hotspots Divide criminal locations and work out E Find geographic profiles according to Model Two Serial crime s Find next crime site location according to Model 3 Narrow the coverage of search Figure 5 Evaluat7 . Evaluat ion and improvementsEvaluation Model One:One: Strength: Geographic profiles generated in Model One is based on the assumption and computed from the theoretical formulas, which makes it rigorous. What’s more, it takes into account local geographic features, in particular, it account for geographic features that influence the selection of a crime site and geographic features that influence the potential anchor points of offenders. Weakness: Since the offender is very likely to change his residence, the prerequisite that the offender has the only anchor point and it keeps stable differs from the actual situation. Put too much emphasis on theoretical formulas while lack of adequate thinking about practical factors, such as the geographical environment and the criminal motives and so on. Model Two:Two: Strength: Model Two aims to make up for the application of the method of geographical profiling through using analytic hierarchy process (AHP). It takes full account of a variety of factors relevant to the crime site selection, quantify those factors and give the appropriate weighting factor to them in accordance with local conditions. Weakness: Require large amounts of data which are difficult to obtain accurately. And it is difficult to make accurate ratings of various factors, which takes long time to work them out. Team # 6539 Page 26 of 26 The synthesized methodmethod : Strength: Formulize the factors, estimate the nest crime site location more rigorously. Additionally, we can further estimate where the crime site location is according to the number of crimes by combining two geographical profiles generated respectively from Model One and Model Two. Weakness: Repeatedly take the concepts of the expected utility of crime and the probability of the success into account, which may make the results close to that of Model Two which focus on these factors, so that the conclusions of Model One will be neglected. The model is still an approximate on a large scale. This has doomed to limit the applications of it. Further improvements :improvements: After consolidating the previous two methods, a major improvement to the methodology is to score the factors more precisely and more objectively. It is best if there is a special program designed for analyzing data and data processing. In addition, we should find out more links between Model One and Model Two, to get a more comprehensive result with smaller deviation. 8. References Smith, C. and Guillen, T. 1991 The search for the Green River Killer, New York: Onyx. Beltrami, E. J. (1993). Mathematical models in the social and biological sciences. Jones and Bartlett Publishers. Canter, D., Coffey, T., Huntley, M., Missen, C. (2000). Predictingserial killers’ home base using a decision support system.Journal of Quantitative Criminology, 16(4), 457–478. O'Leary, M.(2009). The mathematics of geographic profiling. preprint. Rossmo, K. (2000). Geographic Profiling. CRC Press. George O. Mohler and Martin B.(2009).Short Geographic profiling from kinetic models of criminal behavior Janet Warren, Roland Reboussin, Robert R.(1998).Hazelwood,Crime Scene and Distance Correlates of Serial Rape . Journal of Quantitative Criminology. D. Kim Rossmo.(2003).A Methodological Model. Brantingham, P. L., Brantingham, P. J. (1993). Nodes, paths and edges: considerations on the complexity of crime and the physical environment. Journal of Environmental Psychology,13, 3–28. Canter, D., Larkin, P. (1993). The environmental range of serial rapists. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 13, 63-69.
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分享 06年全国建模国家一等奖获得者参赛体会
吉吉小妖 2012-8-30 21:45
院系:经管土管学院04级信息管理与信息系统专业 籍贯:湖北阳新 学习情况:曾获三好学生荣誉称号,学习成绩优秀等。 兴趣爱好:科幻,天文物理,数学,国家宏观经济等国家问题,睡觉。 2006年华中农业大学“瑞恒科技杯”数学建模三等奖获得者,2006年全国数学建模竞赛国家一等奖获得者。 在这个金秋时节——一个收获的季节,一年一度的全国数模建模比赛在9月15日上午8点拉开战幕,我们历经三天三夜的艰苦抗战完成了论文的写作。经过数学建模的磨炼后我的感触颇深,希望能给将要或打算参加的学弟学妹们一些借鉴。 了解阶段:曾经在汪老师的课上听老师提起过,记得当时心情特别激动,从小就热爱数学的我感觉终于“有用武之地”了。至此之后我一直留意着这方面的信息,也曾经向老师询问过,总之那时已经下定决心“一展抱负”,即使需要放弃很多东西,我也毫无怨言。 准备阶段:刚开始以为需要很多数学理论方面的知识,但是由于专业所限不可能学到很多,于是乎着急懊恼学校没有多开几门数学方面的课程。有一天从老师那儿得知只需学好现在的这几门课和将要开设的数学建模课即可,一直悬挂的心终于安定下来了。还好自认为学习数学很认真,但是又担心知识不够,于是就多看了一些数学方面的书来加强认识。我的专业是信息管理与信息系统,编程方面也略通一二,更是让我信心倍增。至于写作方面,我虽然不是很擅长,但总算也还能蒙混过关。 选拔赛:只有通过选拔赛才有资格参加比赛,所以一定要认真对待。记得当初时间非常紧迫,专业课程很多,再加上考试,真是忙得不亦乐乎。不过在一个星期里挤出时间完成比赛是没有任何问题的,时间就是海绵里的水,挤一挤就有了。 培训阶段:那时武汉正处盛夏季节,火辣辣的天气就如同我们的心,热情似火。整个暑假在学校呆了一个多月,系统的学到了很多知识。虽然很苦很累,但同时也很开心,战友们偶尔聊聊天,看看电影,劳逸结合也别有一番趣味。坚持就是胜利,两轮训练以来,没有一位同学退出,大家相互勉励相互学习都留了下来。 比赛阶段:每个参赛队由三名队员组成,通常来自不同的院系,每个人各具特色,分工明确。比如我们队就是由一名队友专门负责写作,另两名负责建模和编程。个人感觉分工明确很重要,一定要清楚自己的特长和与其他人的沟通,当初我们队就是协调方面出了些小的问题而导致时间紧迫,影响最后的底稿。
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分享 我怎么这么不爽
zhouchang 2011-7-1 13:33
俺,一个有为青年,点儿却这么背! 我已经为这个目标努力3年了,目标没变过,却没能靠近它。 嗨!都是真美妙数学建模惹的祸。本来我按成绩可以保研,我想整个竞赛再加点分,都三次了,没有一次获奖。实力不行?运气不好?然而别人参加一次就拿一等奖了,加了3分5分的,学分绩就超过我了,我就保不上研究生了。嗨! 为什么要这样对我?我不相信god难道有错吗?还有因为我们系140多人,我班还要单保,学的一样,考的一样,为什么分?真要跟我过不去?真要苦其心智?我努力了,三年的努力都白费了,连个短期目标都达不到!真够窝囊的!我大学上的真没意义!连自信都丢了。 我想说成绩不代表能力,有的竞赛也不代表能力,一张证明书也不代表什么能力。然而这些都是社会、学校、有的人认可的东西。我不适合考试,学的好,一考试,总有马虎失误的。大学学的东西几乎就是为考试,考完就忘了,你说这有意义吗?我想学懂了,用时再查书就足够了。还有你个数学建模美赛国赛真美妙很多都是运气好,就论文抄的好,翻译的好,摘抄的好才获奖! 我以后不会在参加什么竞赛了,要做点自己感兴趣的东西。 我怎么这么不爽!为了这个我已经放弃很多了,我已经隐忍很久了。不在沉默中爆发,就在沉默中死去吧!
447 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 祝贺数学中国获得2011年度中国垂直社区网站最具特色奖
热度 2 mnpfc 2011-5-24 09:20
祝贺数学中国获得2011年度中国垂直社区网站最具特色奖及备案成功!! 这个学期,先是忙于签约学校的实习工作, 两个月,基本每天都被安排了一些任务, 虽然就那么一点点,但的确是每天都在干活儿, 实习结束,已是愚人节过后, 一直忙于毕业论文,忙于创新试验项目的结项工作, 持续到昨天领完项目的经费,5月23日, 期间偶尔也有一两天闲暇的时间, 转了下武汉几个还没去过的地方, 武汉的交通,果断让我郁闷! 由于学校的网速不给力, 也很少上网了,自然也很少来咱们这个坛子了, 前一段时间来了一次, 打不开, 一看群聊天记录, 原来是在备案。 心中不禁惊呼, 又升级了!从2009年底到现在,貌似一直在不断的升级呀, 今天得闲, 上来一看,新版审核通过,还拿了个最具特色!给力!! 新版看着简洁大方,很舒服!颇有点学术的气息! 再说说这个最具特色,是对小帅、壮哥,还有厚积薄发等人的辛勤的付出的肯定! 也是对这个坛子的学术影响力的肯定! 祝咱们的坛子越来越好!越来越强大! 也祝愿参加过挑战赛的孩子们都拿国一国二,拿不到的就去拿MCM一等奖,呵呵!
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