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《经济学人》2011-11-26全文PDF attach_img 每日科技报告 masterkong 2011-12-24 3 3022 jt202010 2011-12-28 13:50
请问大牛们对这篇文章里的观点怎么看? 金融数学 magic2728 2012-2-5 5 5013 谢之平 2016-1-19 22:53
拓扑学方法和经济学应用 attachment 拓扑学 zx8u8 2012-2-11 15 12069 ljj1990315 2014-4-26 19:16
投入产出模型有什么经济学上的意义? 数模问题互助 tonyzhou47 2012-3-5 3 3512 西刷刷lzd 2012-4-2 13:06
经济学资料 Forum 单良_凉生__未央 2012-4-13 0 1323 单良_凉生__未央 2012-4-13 19:32
经济学资料 attachment 数学专业考研加油站 单良_凉生__未央 2012-4-13 0 1382 单良_凉生__未央 2012-4-13 19:33
中南财经政法的计量经济学课件 attachment EViews论坛 cherry兮 2012-4-17 2 2849 lollipop1218 2012-9-25 11:03
经济中的数学,到底是个什么角色? 泼水街 小宛 2012-4-21 2 1935 小宛 2012-4-21 09:14
独立思考者应读的7本经济类经典书籍 attachment 金融数学 Seawind2012 2012-5-11 29 16488 lbh 2022-2-26 09:50
经济学原理 attachment 趣味数学/科普数学 guanyuhang 2012-6-8 0 1272 guanyuhang 2012-6-8 18:16
想知道武汉理工经济学院数量经济学研究生专业课程 视听得冲击 逝去的华科 2012-6-15 0 2343 逝去的华科 2012-6-15 11:30
经济学诺贝尔奖获得者著作 attachment 趣味数学/科普数学 guanyuhang 2012-6-24 2 1538 guanyuhang 2012-9-3 17:29
宏观经济学看不懂怎么办 经济金融考研 cl19900914 2012-7-2 4 3133 罗江华 2013-10-7 12:35
武汉理工想考产业经济学或数量经济学 数学专业考研 逝去的华科 2012-7-8 1 1808 个性why 2012-7-8 09:55
经济学中的系统动力学 attachment 趣味数学/科普数学 guanyuhang 2012-7-13 0 1885 guanyuhang 2012-7-13 20:12
图论在经济学中的应用 attachment 运筹学 Seawind2012 2012-8-20 2 2624 qian103nian 2012-10-9 16:08
古扎拉蒂的《计量经济学精要》 attachment 趣味数学/科普数学 如风 2012-9-2 0 1266 如风 2012-9-2 07:12
计量经济学 伍德里奇 attachment EViews论坛 ~sunshine 2013-5-20 4 8884 funnyjoke 2021-5-11 15:56
2009年山东大学博士考试现代经济学前沿试题 attachment 统计年鉴 挚爱/Sunsgne° 2013-9-12 2 1634 邪均佛 2013-12-31 00:29
计量经济学中各种线性回归实例应用 attachment Matlab simulink建模与仿真 xian土豆包子 2014-1-22 0 1440 xian土豆包子 2014-1-22 10:44


分享 学习笔记(第九天)
hwigsqx者 2016-6-25 15:40
4、关联与因果 a、灰色关联分析方法 (样本点数少) b、Sperman或kendall等级相关分析 c、 Person相关(样本点数较多)(较难,金融数学,概率密度) d、 Copula相关(样本点数较多)(较难,金融数学,概率密度) e、典型相关分析 因变量组Y1234,自变量组X1234,各自变量组相关性比较强,看哪一个因变量与哪一个自变量关系比较紧密 f、标准化回归分析 若干自变量,一个因变量,看哪一个自变量与因变量关系比较紧密 g、生存分析(事件史分析) 难 数据里有缺失的数据,哪些因素对因变量有影响 h、格兰杰因果检验(前提为时间序列必须具有平稳性) (预测) 计量经济学,去年的X对今年的Y有无影响 5、优化与控制 a、线性规划、整数规划、0-1规划(有约束,确定的目标) b、非线性规划与智能优化算法 c、多目标规划和目标规划【柔性约束(不超过、大约),目标含糊】 d、动态规划 e、网络优化(多因素交错复杂) f、排队论与计算机仿真 g、模糊规划(范围约束) h、灰色规划 (难) 涉及到的数学建模方法:几何理论、线性代数、微积分、 组合概率、统计(回归)分析 、 优化方法(规划) 、 图论与网络优化 、综合评价、插值与拟合、差分计算、微分方程、排队论、模糊数学、随机决策、多目标决策、随机模拟、灰色系统理论、神经网络、时间序列、机理分析等方法 方法统计:最多的是优化方法和概率统计;优化方法27个,占总数的61.36%,其中整数规划6个,线性规划6个,非线性规划17个,多目标规划8个;概率统计方法21个,占47.7%,几乎平均每年至少有一个题目用到该方法;插值与拟合方法8个; 图论与网络优化7个(重要); 综合评价至少7个;微分方程至少5个;神经网络4个;灰色系统4个;时间序列至少3个;机理分析和随机模拟都多次用到;其他方法都至少用到一次;大部分题目都可以用到两种以上的方法,即综合性较强的题目37个,占85%以上
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分享 悼念诺奖得主公共选择理论奠基人和宪政经济学之父詹姆斯·布坎南,93岁
飞在nankai 2013-1-10 18:49
From: http://www.businessweek.com/news ... conomist-dies-at-93 Sad news: Economist and Nobel Laureate James M. Buchanan has died at age 93, as first reported by his George Mason Univerysity colleague Tyler Cowen. Bloomberg News James Buchanan flashes a smile at a news conference announcing he has won the Nobel Proze in economics at George Mason University in Fairfax, Virginia, on Oct. 16, 1986. Photographer: Don Emmert/AFP via Getty Images - By Laurence Arnold on January 09, 2013 - James M. Buchanan, the U.S. economist who won the 1986 Nobel Prize for applying the principles of economic self-interest to understand why politicians do what they do, has died. He was 93. He died today, according to Alex Tabarrok, director of the Center for Study of Public Choice at George Mason University in Fairfax, Virginia, where Buchanan was a distinguished professor emeritus of economics. The cause wasn’t immediately available. The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences awarded Buchanan the Nobel in economics “for his development of the contractual and constitutional bases for the theory of economic and political decision-making.” Buchanan was a pioneer in the field known as public-choice theory, which views government decisions through the personal interests of the bureaucrats and elected leaders who want to advance in their careers and win campaigns. He summarized public choice as “politics without romance” and said it helps explain why established bureaucracies “tend to grow apparently without limit,” why pork-barrel politics endure and why the tax system is defined by “the increasing number of special credits, exemptions and loopholes.” At the time he received the award, his ideas were finding a receptive audience within the administration of President Ronald Reagan. Rethinking Politics “Buchanan’s contribution is that he has transferred the concept of gain derived from mutual exchange between individuals to the realm of political decision-making,” the Nobel committee wrote. “According to Buchanan, it is often futile to advise politicians or influence the outcome of specific issues. In a given system of rules, the outcome is to a large extent determined by established political constellations.” As Buchanan put it in “Liberty, Market and the State” (1986), politics is “a process within which individuals, with separate and potentially differing interests and values, interact for the purpose of securing individually valued benefits of cooperative effort.” He drew on the work of Knut Wicksell, the Swedish economist who studied to what degree different forms of parliamentary government spend money in line with the wishes of taxpayers. The choice of Buchanan for the Nobel drew some criticism, in part because his area of study was a step away from traditional economics in the direction of political science. Surprised Honoree Buchanan himself, writing in 1989, said he was surprised to be honored, “because I held myself, my work, and my affiliation, to be too far outside the mainstream both of my own discipline and the American academia.” James McGill Buchanan was born on Oct. 3, 1919, in Murfreesboro, Tennessee. His grandfather, John P. Buchanan, had been governor of Tennessee from 1891 to 1893. He earned his undergraduate degree from Middle Tennessee State University in 1940 and his master’s from the University of Tennessee in 1941. During World War II he served in the U.S. Navy on the staff of Admiral Chester Nimitz, commander of the Pacific fleet. He earned his Ph.D. from the University of Chicago in 1948. He taught at the University of Tennessee and Florida State University. At the University of Virginia, where he taught from 1956 to 1968, he led the economics department and helped found the Thomas Jefferson Center for Studies in Political Economy, the research institute through which he continued his work on public-choice theory. Major Work His best-known book, “The Calculus of Consent,” was published in 1962. He collaborated on it with his research institute co-founder, Gordon Tullock. Among his students at Virginia was John Snow, who would become chairman and chief executive officer of CSX Corp., an international freight transportation company based in Jacksonville, Florida, and President George W. Bush’s first Treasury secretary. Buchanan moved to Virginia Polytechnic Institute in 1969 and became director of a new Center for Study of Public Choice. He moved with the research center to George Mason University in 1983. Buchanan and his wife, the former Ann Bakke, married in 1945. To contact the reporter on this story: Laurence Arnold in Washington at larnold4@bloomberg.net To contact the editor responsible for this story: Charles W. Stevens at cstevens@bloomberg.net
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分享 数学建模与计量经济学、统计建模的关系
zj-jscsbao 2011-10-26 09:08
数学建模,一般指运用所学的数学知识,抽象实际问题,建模各种模型。运用到的数学知识包括,初等数学、高等数学(微积分、常微分方程)、线性代数、概率论、数理统计、数学分析、几何、代数、运筹学、控制论、多元统计、随机过程等数学与应用数学所学的各个分支。 计量经济学的基础是概率论与数理统计,在此基础上强调在经济领域做数量分析的运用。理论计量偏重数学,核心是大数定律与中心极限定理;应用计量强调运用,对经济问题建模分析。 统计建模用统计的方法,比如多元回归、因子分析、聚类分析等。在经济领域也有运用,但没有计量那么普遍。
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